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06 September 2021

Agenția Națională de Asigurare a Calității în Educație și Cercetare (ANACEC) va desfășura, joi, 16 septembrie 2021, o activitate de prezentare a rezultatelor și de premiere a învingătorilor Concursului Internațional de Creație Literară „Universul Cuvintelor”, ediția a VI-a, 2021. Concursul a fost organizat în parteneriat cu Asociația „Universul Prieteniei”, Iași, România și a urmărit promovarea elevilor cu preocupări literare. La activitate vor participa: reprezentanți ai MEC și OLSDÎ, elevi premianți, cadre didactice/ manageriale, organizatori/ parteneri ai concursului, părinți.


Enhancement of Quality Assurance in Higher Education System in Moldova (QFORTE)

This project is funded with support from the European Commission under the Erasmus + Program

PROJECT TITLE: Enhancement of Quality Assurance in Higher Education System in Moldova
TYPE OF THE PROJECT: national/structural project
TOTAL BUDGET: 992.363,00 EUR
PROJECT PERIOD: 15/11/2020 – 14/11/2023 (36 months)
PROJECT COORDINATOR: Nadejda VELIȘCO  qforte.project@usm.md
OFFICIAL WEBSITE of the projecthttps://qforte.usm.md/

The quality of European education and of higher education, in particular, has been identified as one of the key factors, which will allow Europe to succeed in a global competition. In 2003, in Berlin, the Ministers for higher education stated that the primary responsibility for quality assurance lies with higher education institutions. Further, various policies and action lines have been developed to improve quality; among other initiatives, European degree structures have been revised, the mobility of students and teachers is encouraged, and transparency and comparability of qualifications are promoted.

Improving the quality of teaching and learning has been at the heart of the Bologna Process reforms and continues to be of crucial importance for the further implementation of these reforms. The growth in interest in rankings, as well as recent student, protests further illustrate the need for universities to reiterate their continued commitment to improving the quality of teaching and learning.
Quality assurance is the QFORTE project`s key area of activity. QFORTE will seek to ensure that the views of the university sector are taken into account at national-level policy discussions on internal and external quality assurance. It also will support its members in developing internal quality systems and aims to promote institutional quality cultures.
The project's key target groups are the representatives of the ministries responsible for higher education; representatives of the Agencies for Quality Assurance, Bologna promoters at the national level; heads and senior managers of universities. The secondary target groups are directors of QA departments, Bologna coordinators in HEIs, and QA operational staff.

To contribute to the integration of the Republic of Moldova in the EHEA (European Higher Education Area) by improving quality assurance in the higher education system.

OB1. Promoting and consolidating the culture of quality assurance in the Republic of Moldova and establishing a national consensus of key actors on development issues by November 2023.
OB2. Development and promotion of a national legislative framework and stimulation of regulatory changes regarding quality assurance in higher education institutions in the Republic of Moldova by November 2023.
OB3. Improving the quality assurance management of higher education institutions in the Republic of Moldova through international institutional accreditation by November 2023.
OB4. Strengthening the institutional capacities of higher education institutions (HEIs) in the Republic of Moldova for the efficient implementation of the quality assurance reform by November 2023.

More details about the project you can find HERE


Link to the webinar recording 

The opinion of evaluated institutions and evaluation experts vs. the external evaluation process carried out by ANACEC_Andrei Chiciuc_ANACEC

The opinions of ENQA vs The external quality evaluation methodology applied by ANACEC_Elena Petrov_ANACEC

Propuneri de modificare a Metodologiei de evaluare externă a calității aplicată de ANACEC_Felicia Banu_ANACEC

Overview of Higher Education Quality Assurance in the Republic of Moldova State of play on institutional accreditation_Lilia Parhomneco_MEC

The experience of institutional evaluation carried out by ARACIS_Petru Todos_UTM

Evaluarea externă instituțională ASEM: provocări și lecții_Angela Casian_ASEM

Evaluarea externă: provocări, importanță și lecții învățate_Dandara Otilia_USM

Acreditarea instituțională: realități și perspective_Valeriana Petcu_USC

Acreditarea instituțională a AMTAP_Victoria Melnic_AMTAP

Experiența în calitate de student evaluator ANACEC în cadrul evaluării instituționale a USARB_Doina Secu_student expert ANACEC

Evaluarea externă instituțională provocări și experiențe_Georgeta Stepanov_USM

Experiența USARB în procesul de evaluare externă­_Lidia Padureac_USARB

German experiences in institutional evaluation Standards and criteria_Jan Philipp Engelmann_CEENQA


03 September 2021

Agenția Națională de Asigurare a Calității în Educație și Cercetare anunță desfășurarea etapei a doua a concursului pentru ocuparea funcțiilor publice vacante (proba scrisă).

La proba scrisă au fost admiși candidații:

