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Project within the Erasmus + program “Supporting European QA Agencies in meeting the ESG (SEQA-ESG)”, coordinated by ENQA

Supporting European QA Agencies in meeting the ESG (SEQA-ESG) is a project within the Erasmus + program, coordinated by ENQA, and an extraordinary opportunity for ANACEC, as a partner, to achieve one of its major objectives, namely to join ENQA as a full member. The duration of the project is 24 months (1 May 2020 - 30 April 2022), with the basic objective of supporting quality assurance agencies and national authorities in six countries (Albania, Czech Republic, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, and Slovakia) in creating a quality assurance system in accordance with the ESG 2015 (European Standards and Guidelines).

National action plan on quality assurance of higher education in the Republic of Moldova for period 2021-2023

Action plan for the external review of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Research

Evaluarea calității în învățământul superior: realitățile Republicii Moldova

Peer review experts

Report Stakeholder involvement

Mobilitatea la AQAS în cadrul proiectului SEQA-ESG

Compliance with ESG 3.1 (example from Moldova)

Mobility Report ANACEC-AQAS

For further information about project activities click here.

Project within the Erasmus + program “Effective involvement of stakeholders in external quality assurance activities (ESQA)”, coordinated by the Ministry of Education and Research, Romania

The project The effective involvement of stakeholders in external quality assurance activities ESQA, under the ERASMUS+ Program, runs for a period of 2 years (2019 - 2020), is coordinated by the Ministry of Education and Research of Romania, and is implemented in partnership with the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS), as well as with quality assurance agencies in Bulgaria, Denmark, France and Moldova, but also with the European Student Organization (ESU), the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and the European Association of Higher Education Institutions (EURASHE).

The main objective is to identify ways to deepen and make more effective the stakeholders’ involvement in the Quality Assurance Process, at the European Higher Education Area member countries level, according to the provisions of the Standards and Guidelines for quality assurance in higher education (ESG 2015).

For further information about project activities go to https://esqa.ro/

  1. Template to describe status and reflect on the involvement of stakeholders in dialogue abd in external QA activities
  2. Study on stakeholder involvement in external quality assurance
  3. Guide for effective stakeholders's involvement in Quality Assurance
  4. Analysis on the needs for change at the level of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Research, based on the Guideline on the involvement of stakeholders’ in quality assurance activities
  5. Action plan for the effective involvement of the stakeholders in the quality assurance activities carried out by the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Research

Twinning Project "Enhancing the quality and effectiveness of the VET system in the Republic of Moldova"

The main objective of the Twinning Project “Enhancing the quality and effectiveness of the VET system in the Republic of Moldova” of the European Union is to support the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research and decision makers in vocational education and training (VET) from the Republic of Moldova in the implementation of the Strategy for the development of vocational education and training for the years 2013-2020, by strengthening the capacities of key institutions responsible for quality assurance.

One of the beneficiaries of this project is the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Research, which has received assistance from international experts in the field. During several working sessions, European experts shared their experience in the field of VET and came up with recommendations related to improving the educational process, external quality assurance and existing requirements at European level on this dimension.

Also, there were carried out activities, mainly in the form of seminars, to strengthen the capacities of ANACEC staff, the analysis of the level of connection and compliance with European standards (e.g. ESG, EQAVET) for VET and lifelong learning, as well as the analysis of the current methodology of external quality evaluation in VET in the Republic of Moldova in accordance with the requirements of the Copenhagen Process; “job shadowing” activities for ANACEC staff and experts within similar institutions from the project member countries, responsible for quality assurance in order to take over and implement good European practices.

The implementation period of the Twinning Project "Enhancing the quality and effectiveness of the VET system in the Republic of Moldova" is between 01.03.2019 - 28.02.2021, its total budget being 1.3 million euros.

More information you can find here.

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