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Enhancing Quality of Education and Training in South Eastern Europe - EQET SEE

The EQET SEE project, funded by the Austrian Development Agency, was approved in October 2022 and is expected to run for three years with the aim at contributing to the reduction of youth unemployment in South Eastern Europe by supporting the development of labour-market oriented, socially inclusive and high quality education and training systems in the region.

 The project will focus on increasing the labour market relevance of VET provision and enhancing quality assurance (aspects of external evaluation of institutions) in pre-tertiary education. It is coordinated by the ERI SEE Secretariat as the lead partner, in cooperation with the local partners European Training Foundation and WB6 CIF and strategic partners OeAD and Standing International Conference of Inspectorates (SICI). At the level of implementation, the project partners are VET agencies, chambers of commerce, and qualification agencies from Western Balkan 6 (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, the Republic of North Macedonia and Serbia) and quality assurance agencies in pre-tertiary education from WB6 and Moldova (with ANACEC as a partner).

 The main focus of the project is:

  • The development of regionally based labour market oriented occupational and qualifications standards (QS) and VET curricula incorporating work-based learning
  • Assuring the quality of VET provision through developing supporting measures and material
  • Supporting external quality developments and quality culture through the revision of QA (external evaluation) methodologies, accompanying instruments and tools
  • Supporting internal quality developments for quality agencies themselves through regional quality standards, procedures, and trainings.

For more information on the EQET SEE project, please visit https://www.erisee.org/a-new-regional-project-eqet-see-started/

09 February 2022

Pe 8 februarie, mai mulți reprezentanți ai ANACEC și ai Ministerului Educației și Cercetării (MEC) au participat la conferința de lansare a proiectului “Enhancing Quality of Education and Training


Online platform for recording, monitoring and reporting scientific events in the Republic of Moldova

The project “Online platform for recording, monitoring and reporting scientific events in the Republic of Moldova”, code - 21.70105.39ȘD, has a duration of two years (2021-2022), and is coordinated by Dr. hab., assoc.prof., researcher Vitalie Minciună, Head of the Research and Innovation Organizations Evaluation Section, ANACEC.


Summary of the project

Scientific events are among the main forms of dissemination of scientific results to the scientific community, the educational field and the field of production. Involvement in the organization and conduct of these events is counted and scored in the processes of evaluation of organizations and attestation of scientific and scientific-teaching staff.

In order to standardize this activity, the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Research (ANACEC) has developed and implemented the Regulation on the recognition, classification and recording of scientific manifestations, which provides for the annual development of two registers: National Register of planned scientific events and the Register of published materials based on organized scientific events.

It is very difficult to monitor and validate these activities, to ensure the interoperability of data from these two registers, to contrast the intentions and achievements of hundreds of events organized during a year (in 2021 about 500 scientific events from over 60 research-innovation and higher education institutions were recorded), to verify the correspondence of the organized event to the one initially declared, to specify the type of event held in terms of event classification criteria. All these procedures would be significantly simplified by applying automated methods of filing, reporting, checking, classifying the events initiated and carried out.

In the context of the above, it is necessary to carry out actions (objectives) as follows:

  1. Development of an online platform for recording, monitoring and reporting scientific events;
  2. Assessing the feasibility of the platform;
  3. Elaboration of the National Electronic Register of scientific events planned for 2022;
  4. Generating the Register of materials published based on scientific events organized in 2022 (in real time).

Achieving these objectives would help increase the visibility and quality of scientific events organized in the country by monitoring compliance with established standards and facilitating procedures for online evaluation and classification of events in order to quantify them in the process of evaluating organizations and attesting scientific and scientific-teaching staff.

Project team

  1. Minciună Vitalie, dr. hab., assoc.prof. researcher
  2. Cazacu Elena
  3. Cernăuțeanu Victor, PhD
  4. Chiciuc Andrei, PhD, conf. univ.
  5. Cojocaru Igor, PhD
  6. Cuciureanu Gheorghe, dr. hab., assoc.prof. researcher
  7. Cujba Rodica
  8. Guzun Mihail, PhD
  9. Munteanu Ruslan
  10. Piscenco Marina, PhD
  11. Țurcan Andrei
  12. Țurcan Nelly, dr. hab, univ. prof.
  13. Ungureanu Elena, dr. hab., assoc.prof. researcher
  14. Vrabie Valeria, PhD, assoc.prof. researcher


Stages of the project

Stage I. Development of the online platform for recording, monitoring and reporting scientific events.

Elaboration of a platform for the evidence and monitoring of scientific events, with data interoperable with those taken from other compartments of the National Bibliometric Instrument (organization page, author page).

Stage II. Assessing the feasibility of the platform.

Estimating the feasibility of the platform.

Stage III. Elaboration of the National Register of scientific events planned for 2022.

Elaboration of the Register of events for the next year already using the elaborated platform.

Stage IV. Generation of the Register of materials published based on scientific events organized in 2022 (in real time).

Operative generation of updated information on events organized in the reference year (actual situation at the time of access).


For more information on the project, visit https://idsi.md/proiect-platforma-raportare-evenimente

08 February 2022

Agenția Națională de Asigurare a Calității în Educație și Cercetare Va informează că în perioada 15.02.2022 – 16.02.2022, în intervalul orelor 15.00 - 17.00, Direcția evaluare în î

06 February 2022

ANACEC anunță consultarea publică repetată a proiectului Regulamentului privind publicațiile științifice, științifico-metodice, didactice și alte lucrări acceptate în procesul de evaluare a cercetării și inovării.

02 February 2022

Agenția Națională de Asigurare a Calității în Educație și Cercetare anunță rezultatele concursului pentru ocuparea funcțiilor publice vacante. Astfel, câștigători ai concursului se declară:

27 January 2022

Agenția Națională de Asigurare a Calității în Educație și Cercetare anunță desfășurarea etapei a treia a concursului pentru ocuparea funcției publice vacante (interviul).

